Wednesday, December 17, 2014


There are so many things being debated politically today but what is really shocking to me is that most of the discussions are actually irrelevant.  Think for a minute about what we hear being argued:

Minimum wage
Government keeping us safe
The value of Federal Reserve Notes
Price of oil
Rich are too rich
Global warming
Soda is bad for us
(many other things you can think about)

Let's ask ourselves two questions, 
1- "Is our federal government involved in any of these situations?"

2- "If 'yes', are they legally authorized to be involved?"

#1 is a big YES.  The federal government is involved in all of the above, except maybe "soda is bad for us."  That may only be in some states.

#2 is an even bigger and louder NO!!  The federal government is authorized to do only a few things that are specifically prescribed by law.  This is laid out in plain English in just a few pages of text in our U.S. Constitution.  The government is not authorized to be involved in any of the topics listed above.  As a matter of fact, some of those issues are specifically listed with prohibitions against government involvement.  The law can be changed of course, and there are specific ways that we can do that.  However, none of the things listed above have been added to the list of things the government is authorized to be involved in... so how can that be?  Well, think about that and do some research for awhile if you want the truth, and a pounding headache. 

So the next time someone wants to argue with you about the minimum wage (or whatever else), you can just say "I have no opinion on the issue.  Until the federal government is legally authorized to be involved with people's wages, the topic itself is irrelevant."  Talk about getting some strange looks...