Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Scenario #1:
After graduating high school, Rodrigo decides to go into an apprenticeship for 4 years.  The apprenticeship doesn't pay much at first but it does increase significantly every year over the span of the work/learn program.  He works a lot and lives without extravagances as the work is much and the pay very little.  However, Rodrigo is optimistic, for the needs of a young single man are few but the value of the experience gained will be great.  After the 4 years Rodrigo has learned much and has a real skill that makes him valuable to companies looking for workers skilled in his field.  He has saved up his money (the little that could be saved) and has $1,252.16 in his checking account.  The business where Rodrigo spent his 4 years studying is eager to hire him full-time as he has shown great promise.  Although he enjoyed working where he was, Rodrigo isn't sure if he'll take the job yet... he may look around and see what other businesses will pay him first or maybe even try a different field of work entirely.  After all, he's got some money in the bank now.

Scenario #2:
After graduating high school, Klaus decides to go to the university to study history.  Maybe he'll be a history teacher or a researcher for The History Channel or work for the government, but at least he will have a degree from a major university (which is what most companies look for anyway).  He takes out student loans and is pressured by his father and his peers to finish up in 4 years in order to get started on his career, and paying back his loans.  Upon graduation, Klaus moves into his parents' basement to decompress and start looking for work related to his new degree.  His first payment on the $30,000 college debt will be due in a month or so and his parents are hoping that Klaus's residency in their basement is only temporary.  In order to generate some income (and take advantage of his "free rent" situation) while he searches for his career employment, Klaus takes a job as a cashier at the local hardware store... temporarily of course.  After a year goes by, Klaus realizes he enjoys the hardware business and has even been promoted to assistant manager.  He moves out of his parents' basement and takes an apartment above the hardware store where he works which helps him avoid the cost of having a car.  Five years later, Klaus has the opportunity to purchase the hardware store and run his own business.  He would love to do this but he hesitates because he still owes $22,000 in college loans and would need to take out an additional loan to purchase the store.  

Friday, June 14, 2013


Fellow patriots,

I feel that things in our nation are deteriorating quickly and just wanted to go over a few things to watch out for and also discuss how best to be prepared.  I believe that we are within 2 years of seeing an actual economic collapse (the practically-overnight worthlessness of the U.S. Dollar).  When that occurs, the time to prepare is over, and the time to survive is come.


There are some simple indicators that will help you assess when the actual collapse is eminent.  Here are a couple (there are many and many have been manifesting for years):

Keep a close eye on the percentage rates of U.S. Bonds (the amount of interest paid back to you after the Bond matures).  Typically this is in the 2% range.  If this rate reaches the 4%-5% range the end is near.  This is an indicator that the government is in a panic and that a sharp correction is taking place as a result of inflation and then contraction of that inflation which exacerbates the problem (all done by the Federal Reserve's intentional manipulation of our currency to avoid this exact problem).

If you notice that there are an increasing number of "missing" (out of the public eye) government elected officials, this may indicate that those who are in the know of an impending collapse are getting out while the going is good.  If they are around when the whole system tanks, their lives will be in danger because they will be held responsible (and rightly so) by their constituency. 


Any kind of fuel, especially gasoline, will most likely be the most sought after commodity when the dollar is virtually devalued to nothing overnight.  However, all types of fuel like alcohol, propane, and even wood will be extremely valuable.

Either the ability to get clean water or the ability to clean water will be practically as valuable as fuel.  Also desirable will be firearms and ammunition, lighters, toilet paper, cigarettes, liquor, and of course food.  Even if you don't have a need for some of those items on a normal basis, you may find them useful in bartering for something you do need/want.


Monday, June 3, 2013


The list below is from a document called COMMUNIST RULES FOR REVOLUTION which was captured by the Allied Forces in Dusseldorf in May of 1919.

A.  Corrupt the young, get them away from religion.  Get them interested in sex.  Make them superficial.  Destroy their ruggedness

B.  Get control of all means of publicity and thereby:
     1.  Get people's minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and plays, and other trivialities.
     2.  Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance.
     3.  Destroy the people's faith in their natural leaders by holding the latter up to contempt, ridicule, and obloquy (disgrace).
     4.  Always preach true democracy BUT SEIZE POWER as fast and as ruthlessly as possible.
     5.  By encouraging government extravagance, destroy its credit, produce fear of inflation with rising prices and general discontent.
     6.  Foment unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil disorders, and foster lenient and soft attitude on the part of the government towards such disorders.
     7.  By specious (plausible, appearing to be true but not true) argument, cause the breakdown of the OLD MORAL VIRTUES: honesty, sobriety, continence, faith in the pledged word, ruggedness.

C.  Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with the view of confiscation of them and leaving the population helpless.  (source: Fulton Lewis III)