Wednesday, December 17, 2014


There are so many things being debated politically today but what is really shocking to me is that most of the discussions are actually irrelevant.  Think for a minute about what we hear being argued:

Minimum wage
Government keeping us safe
The value of Federal Reserve Notes
Price of oil
Rich are too rich
Global warming
Soda is bad for us
(many other things you can think about)

Let's ask ourselves two questions, 
1- "Is our federal government involved in any of these situations?"

2- "If 'yes', are they legally authorized to be involved?"

#1 is a big YES.  The federal government is involved in all of the above, except maybe "soda is bad for us."  That may only be in some states.

#2 is an even bigger and louder NO!!  The federal government is authorized to do only a few things that are specifically prescribed by law.  This is laid out in plain English in just a few pages of text in our U.S. Constitution.  The government is not authorized to be involved in any of the topics listed above.  As a matter of fact, some of those issues are specifically listed with prohibitions against government involvement.  The law can be changed of course, and there are specific ways that we can do that.  However, none of the things listed above have been added to the list of things the government is authorized to be involved in... so how can that be?  Well, think about that and do some research for awhile if you want the truth, and a pounding headache. 

So the next time someone wants to argue with you about the minimum wage (or whatever else), you can just say "I have no opinion on the issue.  Until the federal government is legally authorized to be involved with people's wages, the topic itself is irrelevant."  Talk about getting some strange looks...

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Anybody else kind of sick and tired of voting?  I know we all get tired of those campaign ads.  I'd like to just send out a little snippet of encouragement today.

I consider myself politically unaffiliated and if you're like me at all, you may have found yourself voting for people based on their policies and previous actions instead of their political affiliations.  A candidate's party means little to me except that it can sometimes be an indicator of what that person uses as a guideline for their policy ideas.  Other than that, it is virtually meaningless and that isn't even always accurate.

I often get criticized for voting for people who "can't win" like so-called third party candidates or unaffiliated candidates.
"You're throwing your vote away!" they will say.
"You're helping the worst people when you do that!" some shout.
"That is unpatriotic!" others will complain.

Well, don't be discouraged by this.  The statements above are things that have actually been said to me and I will share with you some of my responses:

"It is my duty as an American to vote for someone I believe in."
"I don't see how voting FOR someone helps anyone else."
"Voting for the 'lesser of two evils' is unpatriotic."
"If there are no candidates worth voting for-don't vote, or better yet write in someone you DO believe in."
"When I go to sleep tonight, I can rest easy knowing I have voted for our Liberty."

So get out there and vote!  Know who you're voting for and why.  Be confident in your decision and if you're not, you shouldn't vote.  When you show up to vote, smile, say a prayer, take a deep breath, and cast your vote.  Oh and one more thing, bring your own barf bag just in case.

Monday, August 4, 2014


Someone told me that traffic tickets violated the U.S. Constitution.  My first thought was, "What?! How can that be? I doubt it."  But if you know me at all or have followed my posts for a while, you know that we can't just take someone's word for it anymore no matter who that someone is (friend, newscast, government, etc...).

I was told that a traffic ticket falls under the definition of a BILL OF ATTAINDER or BILL OF PAINS & PENALTIES, and that it is expressly forbidden in the U.S. Constitution.  Naturally I wondered, "What is a BILL OF ATTAINDER?" and, "Does our Constitution really forbid it?" 

WHAT IS A BILL OF ATTAINDER? (according to Black's Law Dictionary)

[A legislative act, directed against a designated person, pronouncing him guilty of an alleged crime, (usually treason,) without trial of conviction according to the recognized rules of procedure, and passing sentence of death and attainder upon him.  "Bills of attainder," as they are technically called, are such special acts of legislature as inflict capital punishments upon persons supposed to be guilty of high offenses, such as treason and felony, without any conviction in the ordinary course of judicial proceedings.  If an act inflicts a milder degree of punishment than death, it is called a "BILL OF PAINS and PENALTIES," but both are included in the prohibition in the Federal Constitution.]

U.S. Constitution - Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3

"No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed."

U.S. Constitution - Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1

"No State shall... pass any Bill of Attainder..."

Although a traffic ticket can be challenged in court I guess, it seems to me that the mere issuance of such a penalty is prohibited.  Not to mention the costs charged to the accused and to the court (which is charged to the accused and others by way of taxation) for the proceedings.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014


If you could be guaranteed one thing in this country, which would you choose?

1  - Safety?
2  - Healthcare?
3  - Freedom?
4  - Education?
5  - A Home?
6  - Guns?
7  - Food?
8  - Transportation?
9  - Employment?
10 - Children?

Whichever option we would choose as a nation, I believe we would get it.  However, I believe that there is only one choice on this list that would give us the best chance at securing all the others.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


What is a criminal?  Who can be classified into that category?

(noun) a person who has committed a crime.
synonym - lawbreaker

(noun) a person who violates the law.

It is interesting to think about laws and who those laws are designed for.  I argue that laws are basically rules that establish a punishment for a certain action.  For example: rob a bank = go to jail.  So the law that states that it is illegal to rob a bank, establishes a boundary and if you choose to cross that boundary, you have broken the law and must therefore be penalized. 

However, if we think about who the laws are written for it is obvious that they are written to control law-abiding citizens.  If we consider the definitions above it is clear that criminals do not obey the law and therefore it can be pre-supposed that laws are not written for criminals.  For criminals however, the law simply is an announcement of the penalty for when they commit a crime.

So the next time you hear law-makers speak about how we need this law or that law to prevent crimes, just remember that those laws don't apply to criminals... they are designed for you.

Friday, April 25, 2014

GOVERNMENT - Perpetuating Racism Every Chance They Can Get.


     A teacher received notice from the administration that her classroom needed to be more diverse, even though her students were assigned to her randomly.  Children of different ethnic backgrounds would be integrated into her group of pupils.  The reason for this was not what you might think...

     Apparently the testing standards are lower if there are more, what they call, "minorities" (I use their language here) in the classroom.  In sports they call this "padding your stats."  
     Why are parents of "minorities" not foaming-at-the-mouth angry about this?!!  I know I am!  Basically what schools and our government are telling us is that different people are expected to perform differently based purely on our appearance.  THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!! 

     We have to put an end to this kind of profiling and race hustling by our government.  What kind of message is this sending to our young people?  If you look a certain way you are only expected to ever achieve (blank) and nothing more... you can't help it.  THIS IS VILE.  Also, let's stop using their terminology which exacerbates racial tension, like "minorities" or "people of color" or "urban."  We are all Americans for crying out loud.

What's wrong with the following statement? (which I've heard before but can't site specifically):
The school had a predominantly minority student body.

If you don't see the problem in that then you've already been brainwashed.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014



     I've been frustrated lately with how arguments have been going.  I came to a realization and made some changes in my dialogue when debating a topic, and the results have been extraordinarily forthcoming.  I'm sure this is nothing new but perhaps there are perspectives in our thought that have been forgotten and principles that have been abandoned.  For example, a discussion regarding firearms usually goes something like this:

SUZI: Guns are bad and people shouldn't have guns because children get killed and guns are just so dangerous.
CALVIN: I think guns help keep us free and safe from bad guys and we should all have guns in our belts and I believe in the famous old quote, "an armed society is a civil society."

     This debate may sound familiar to you.  Perhaps you've had a similar exchange with someone or you own a television set and have heard this basically every day.  Suzi and Calvin will go at it for hours and they will both present very valid and interesting points.  Or perhaps you've observed something like the following:

SUZI: Seat belts save lives and everybody should wear them.  I think "Click it, or ticket" is a great idea.
CALVIN: Seat belts are great and I always wear mine, but what I do in my car should be my business.  Besides, it is really just an income stream for the city and has little to do with safety.

All of these views have merit and are logical sound arguments.  However, one small change in perspective can shift the debate toward what I think is the real subject of most of these types of arguments.

SUZI: Guns are bad and people shouldn't have guns because children get killed and guns are just so dangerous.
CALVIN: I see.  So you want to voluntarily hand over, to someone else, your authority to make decisions for yourself regarding firearms?


SUZISeat belts save lives and everybody should wear them.  I think "Click it, or ticket" is a great idea.
CALVIN: I see your point but I am just not comfortable giving someone else the authority to decide what is safest for me... especially someone who doesn't even know me.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


If you're like me you've been frustrated with the fake politicians, the crony capitalism, the global agendas, the engineered subversion of the family, the corruption, and the general chicanery of our elected officials.  I research, call my representatives, vent on this blog, argue with neighbors (and friends), cry, hand-deliver flyers of encouragement, write inspiring messages of liberty on dollar bills (no, that's not illegal because it's not even real money just a note from a bank issued as an instrument of debt [more on that later]), and I even sometimes think about giving up the fight.  But then I had an epiphany... lightning struck my brain.  I WILL RUN FOR PRESIDENT!

I've done some careful research of electoral victors from the past and have compiled a strategy for what I must do to have a successful campaign that will lead to my election.  


1 - I will fight to make sure your energy bills go up.
2 - I promise to make unauthorized changes to the law even though that would be breaking the law.
3 - I will see to it that our soldiers and military personnel are given unrealistic guidelines and while following those rules might be left to die without aid.
4 - I vow to use different departments under my supervision to target and go after those who oppose me and my party.
5 - If you give me money to help get me elected, I will make sure that you get preferential treatment and possibly even receive money at the expense of others.
6 - I will test the limits of how far you will let me go in my quest to infringe on every aspect of your once-private lives.
7 - I will travel to as many countries as I can (at your expense) and tell those people about how much you suck, and that only with my help you won't suck quite as bad anymore.
8 - I will encourage the assassinations of American citizens who are suspected to be traitors/terrorists without a trial, and I reserve the right to define what makes a person a traitor/terrorist (which may change on a daily basis) NOTE: this promise may be used in conjunction with promise #4.
9 - I will lie to you everyday, but you can relax because I will make sure to tell you only what you want to hear.
10 - I will live a lavish and luxurious lifestyle with exotic vacations and an extravagant entourage (all at your expense of course) while condemning others who have wealth and seizing their property to give it to those whom I choose (most likely people I promised favors to) [see promise #5].


Friday, February 14, 2014


Normally we cover some pretty serious stuff on here but I thought it was about time for a little respite from the usual kerfuffle.  So here we go.  


This demonic weapon has been the bane of dads and handymen across the globe.  Since the invention of the Phillips or "cross-head" screw in the mid-1930's this evil device no longer serves any real purpose to mankind.  However, manufacturers continue to produce this abomination... proof, I think, that it is a craft straight from the abyss.

Obviously implemented as a form of torture by Satan himself, these seats are in no way designed to accommodate the human form.  However, probably quite suitable for a snarling beast from the underworld. 

I will confess that I have not tried these (nor ever will) but I read some of the reviews and they had me crying.  I knew these had to make the list.


(no commentary needed)


It is a little known fact that gas station bathrooms are actually secret portals to hell itself... complete with single-ply toilet paper of course.  When you leave one of these demonic gateways you are left wondering, "Should I wash my hands or try to escape without touching anything?" 


It's always so exciting to get something new but that joy soon fades as we are faced with the insurmountable task of actually opening the package... especially if it is secured in what is known as a "clamshell."  Countless toys and devices have been maimed and broken while trying to access our new acquisitions held captive in these force-fields from Hell.  The word "clamshell" even has the word "hell" in it.  Such an obvious clue regarding it's origins.   


I'm sure we've all had one of these and the shopping cart itself is probably not from the lake of burning sulfur.  What IS evil is the timing when you happen to choose the one with the shaky wheel.  On a trip to the market alone where I am free to frolic through the aisles at my leisure, my cart's wheels are aligned with laser precision and lubricated properly...
But when I'm forced to go with three screaming children and must fly through the store with limited time, my cart is possessed by an agent of darkness. 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Do R's and D's mean Repulsive and Divisive?

Political parties really don't make any sense (as far as individual liberty is concerned) if you stop and think about it.  They are actually contrary to what America was intended to be and I feel they lead to the eventual loss of freedom.  Of course, nobody is forced to be in a party (yet) so some would argue that we are still actually free, and I would generally agree with that I guess.  Consider the following:

Igor: "Hey! Want to join my political party?"
Sven: "Maybe. What is your platform? What are your views?"
Igor: "We believe that people should be treated fairly and equally. We want our country to get out of debt. We feel that people should help other people.  We want to stop all these wars and just be peaceful."
Sven: "That sounds pretty good.  Hey, isn't Senator John Smith in your party?"
Igor: "Yes! Hey, you do pay attention.  That's good!"
Sven: "Didn't Senator Smith vote for the Women Should Get More Jobs Than Men Act?" 
Igor: "Yes."
Sven: "Didn't he vote for the Borrow to Spend More Now and Pay It Back Later, Maybe Act?" 
Igor: "He sure did, and look how low the unemployment rate is now!"
Sven: "What about the Government Will Decide Who To Steal From and Who To Give That Stolen Money To Act?" 
Igor: "Yeah! Senator Smith voted for that... twice! Man you've really been keeping up on things!"
Sven: "Didn't Senator Smith vote in favor of invading Canada because somebody from Saskatchewan threw a rock into Montana?"
Igor: "Yes but it didn't pass. I didn't agree with it either. That bill was a train wreck and many Senators who were in favor of it became very unpopular and lost a lot of support."
Sven: "Did you continue to support Senator Smith after that?"
Igor: "Of course, silly!  He's in my party.  Besides, he's sponsoring a new bill called The Land Troops In Saskatchewan But Don't Shoot Anyone Until We Are Shot At Act."
Sven: "...Didn't the President use an executive order to land troops in Saskatchewan anyway, without the approval from Congress because of that failed bill?  Isn't that illegal?"
Igor: "Of course it's illegal!  But it's cool... the President is in my party too.  So Senator Smith has sponsored this new bill to make the President's executive order legal... if it passes."
Sven: "But I thought you said you thought landing troops in Saskatchewan was a bad idea?"
Igor: "I know but this is the direction my party is going and we have to stick together.  So are you going to join my party or what?  Together we could help campaign to get Senator Smith nominated as a candidate for President!"
Sven: "......(sigh)......"