Wednesday, May 15, 2013

THE POLICE: No. Not the group with Sting.


     How much do we really need police?  Now before you freak out and start yelling just take a deep breath, step outside the normal line of thinking, and consider this objectively and logically.

     Think about what policemen do and ask yourself, "could neighborhood volunteers do that?"  Police are not there to protect you or to prevent crimes.  If they were, there would need to be one policemen for every person; like bodyguards.  Instead, they mainly investigate crimes and help control traffic problems (accidents, construction, and mainly write tickets).  Contrary to what we are led to think, I believe police departments are primarily installed to generate revenue for the city.  I mean, we already have elected sheriffs who make arrests, protect the rights and property of citizens, and are the custodial keepers of those who break the law right?

     Lets be very clear about something.  I am not "anti-police" and I have a great deal of respect for those who do that job.  I am simply "pro-citizen" and "pro-less taxes" and above all "pro-freedom."  I happen to believe that we Americans are quite capable of rising to the occasion to accomplish something on our own, especially when the need is dire.  Remember, in a free society we are not guaranteed the right to safety.  We are however, guaranteed the right to our freedoms, including the freedom to adequately protect ourselves and each other as we see fit.

     Hopefully even if you don't agree with me you don't want to tear my head off completely.  If you've read this far you understand that I have at least thought out my point of view.  Trust me, there will be plenty of enmity towards me when I talk about why we don't need school buses... but that's for another time.

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