I think something that is harmful to America is the use of hyphens to classify people. Herding people into groups is one of the oldest strategies of socialist/communists. It is a "soft sell" of the ideology that the individual is nothing and there is only strength in groups. It is true that there are times when people are stronger as a whole when united but it should always be done while preserving individual liberty. Be careful of the mindset that everyone has to be in a group to function.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
It appears to me that the relationship between the power of the state and the freedom of the people are inversely proportionate. As the state gains power the people's liberties diminish, or at least are harder to preserve. The bizarre thing about this phenomenon in our nation is that the people choose to give or deny the state its power(s). I have thought about this constantly for several years now and have arrived at only one unfortunate conclusion as to why people would want to empower the state?...
Some people actually don't want to be free. I know I know, this is hard to swallow but it has to be true. I understand that some people are tricked into voting for certain things and others vote for things that will get them free stuff. Some vote for things because they plan to use the system for their own gain politically, financially, or even as a subversive act of sabotage. However, I think these examples don't account for all people. This is difficult for me to even say but I believe that some people actually don't want to be free.
This doesn't make me feel any better but only brings up more questions, the most important one being:
Why would someone NOT want to be free?
Maybe we'll tackle that one another time...
Some people actually don't want to be free. I know I know, this is hard to swallow but it has to be true. I understand that some people are tricked into voting for certain things and others vote for things that will get them free stuff. Some vote for things because they plan to use the system for their own gain politically, financially, or even as a subversive act of sabotage. However, I think these examples don't account for all people. This is difficult for me to even say but I believe that some people actually don't want to be free.
This doesn't make me feel any better but only brings up more questions, the most important one being:
Why would someone NOT want to be free?
Maybe we'll tackle that one another time...
Thursday, November 14, 2013
It has been roughly 3 years and 8 months (passed March 21, 2010) since The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was passed into law. As you probably know there have been many reports about how the website still isn't working and the sign up process is a disaster. Now hold that thought...
On December 7, 1941, the United States was attacked at Pearl Harbor and officially entered World War II shortly after. We then began manufacturing ships, tanks, ammunition, planes, vehicles, small arms, bombs, equipment and other supplies. We trained thousands of soldiers, medics, other military personnel, and civilians. We then mobilized all of these items launching a global offensive to defeat the Japanese and to liberate Europe from its occupation by Nazi Germany.
Germany surrendered on May 8, 1945 (3 years 5 months after Pearl Harbor)
Japan surrendered on August 15, 1945 (3 years 8 months after Pearl Harbor)
Thursday, October 24, 2013
My daughter and I went to see a professional soccer match and as usual, we all rose and sang our national anthem before the kick off. Afterwards, she asked me, "Why do you have a tear in your eye?"
I told her, "That song makes me think about a lot of sacrifices people made to make sure we have the freedom to live our lives in our own way. And... that we are free to enjoy things like soccer games."
I know she didn't quite understand and we didn't go into any more details, but I told her we would talk more later and that she would come to understand better when she's older.
Every time I hear our national anthem, I try to visualize the events that took place at Fort McHenry in September of 1814. The story is told very well in this SHORT VIDEO.
I reminded my daughter about a children's book we read some time ago that was told from the perspective of the daughter of Mary Young Pickersgill. The Pickersgill women were commissioned to make the flag that flew at Fort McHenry.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
"The natural cure for an ill-administration, in a popular or representative constitution, is a change of men."
-Alexander Hamilton- Federalist No. 21 1787
"Nothing so strongly impels a man to regard the interests of his constituents, as the certainty of returning to the general mass of people, from whence he was taken, where he must participate in their burdens."
-George Mason- Virginia Ratifying Convention 1788
Monday, September 23, 2013
What do we do if the federal government gives itself the power to do something that they are not authorized to do? Also, what if a new federal law (authorized in this manner) is illegal based on a state's law?
In 2011 Ohio passed the HEALTHCARE FREEDOM AMENDMENT which basically makes most of the main aspects of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) illegal in Ohio. I don't want to break the law so what should I do?
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
If you're like me, you may be spending some of today in remembrance of tragedy that shook us 12 years ago. I was reminded that we can't let our guard down. The reality that there is evil in the world was very real and I was scared.
Today I am also reminded that when there's trouble, Americans can rise to a level of courage and sacrifice that I believe is unique in the world. Let's not wait for another crisis to remember who we are.
Friday, August 23, 2013
The whole welfare thing has been on my mind lately and I've had some discussions about it with people of various views. Should we help people in need? How do we do it? How do we make sure the people who really need help are getting it and how do we prevent fraudsters from stealing from the system?
Well... I've come to a couple conclusions and I'd like to hear some feedback on this.
Now, the "WE" is where I tend to run into disagreements with some. I think "WE" is the people. People should help other people in need. Some people won't help and some people will help. But, I think it's important to maintain the freedom to choose who to help and how, even though this means some people won't help. Helping people in need is none of the government's business.
I don't need to write an explanation for this one as I found a video that says it perfectly.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
The man in Cleveland who kidnapped and held those girls prisoner (I'm intentionally not adding his name) is being brought up on charges of aggravated murder for causing one of his pregnant captives to miscarry. Although I agree that intentionally causing someone to have a miscarriage should be a crime (killing an innocent person), these charges pose a bit of a conundrum for me...
In the United States it is legal to kill unborn babies. I don't see how the circumstances of how this occurs makes a difference to the baby. Let's break this down logically:
#1 - If you are a pregnant woman and you consent to have your unborn baby killed, that is LEGAL.
#2 - If you are a person who gets paid to kill an unborn baby with the consent of the mother-to-be, that is LEGAL (and lucrative).
#3 - If you kill an unborn baby without the consent of the mother-to-be, that is ILLEGAL.
#4 - If you are a person who gets paid to kill an unborn baby with the consent of the mother-to-be but you do not have the consent of the state (un-licensed), that is ILLEGAL (but still lucrative).
This form of "legal murder" seems only to be based on special circumstances with no regard for the life of the actual person being killed... the baby. INCONCEIVABLE!!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
There is an incredibly interesting and thought provoking series of 3 short videos that describe how a society could maintain LAW WITHOUT GOVERNMENT. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it yet but I think it is a discussion worth having. However, all that you have learned may need to be checked at the door.
Check next post for Part Two
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Scenario #1:
After graduating high school, Rodrigo decides to go into an apprenticeship for 4 years. The apprenticeship doesn't pay much at first but it does increase significantly every year over the span of the work/learn program. He works a lot and lives without extravagances as the work is much and the pay very little. However, Rodrigo is optimistic, for the needs of a young single man are few but the value of the experience gained will be great. After the 4 years Rodrigo has learned much and has a real skill that makes him valuable to companies looking for workers skilled in his field. He has saved up his money (the little that could be saved) and has $1,252.16 in his checking account. The business where Rodrigo spent his 4 years studying is eager to hire him full-time as he has shown great promise. Although he enjoyed working where he was, Rodrigo isn't sure if he'll take the job yet... he may look around and see what other businesses will pay him first or maybe even try a different field of work entirely. After all, he's got some money in the bank now.
Scenario #2:
After graduating high school, Klaus decides to go to the university to study history. Maybe he'll be a history teacher or a researcher for The History Channel or work for the government, but at least he will have a degree from a major university (which is what most companies look for anyway). He takes out student loans and is pressured by his father and his peers to finish up in 4 years in order to get started on his career, and paying back his loans. Upon graduation, Klaus moves into his parents' basement to decompress and start looking for work related to his new degree. His first payment on the $30,000 college debt will be due in a month or so and his parents are hoping that Klaus's residency in their basement is only temporary. In order to generate some income (and take advantage of his "free rent" situation) while he searches for his career employment, Klaus takes a job as a cashier at the local hardware store... temporarily of course. After a year goes by, Klaus realizes he enjoys the hardware business and has even been promoted to assistant manager. He moves out of his parents' basement and takes an apartment above the hardware store where he works which helps him avoid the cost of having a car. Five years later, Klaus has the opportunity to purchase the hardware store and run his own business. He would love to do this but he hesitates because he still owes $22,000 in college loans and would need to take out an additional loan to purchase the store.
Friday, June 14, 2013
I feel that things in our nation are deteriorating quickly and just wanted to go over a few things to watch out for and also discuss how best to be prepared. I believe that we are within 2 years of seeing an actual economic collapse (the practically-overnight worthlessness of the U.S. Dollar). When that occurs, the time to prepare is over, and the time to survive is come.
There are some simple indicators that will help you assess when the actual collapse is eminent. Here are a couple (there are many and many have been manifesting for years):
Keep a close eye on the percentage rates of U.S. Bonds (the amount of interest paid back to you after the Bond matures). Typically this is in the 2% range. If this rate reaches the 4%-5% range the end is near. This is an indicator that the government is in a panic and that a sharp correction is taking place as a result of inflation and then contraction of that inflation which exacerbates the problem (all done by the Federal Reserve's intentional manipulation of our currency to avoid this exact problem).
If you notice that there are an increasing number of "missing" (out of the public eye) government elected officials, this may indicate that those who are in the know of an impending collapse are getting out while the going is good. If they are around when the whole system tanks, their lives will be in danger because they will be held responsible (and rightly so) by their constituency.
Any kind of fuel, especially gasoline, will most likely be the most sought after commodity when the dollar is virtually devalued to nothing overnight. However, all types of fuel like alcohol, propane, and even wood will be extremely valuable.
Either the ability to get clean water or the ability to clean water will be practically as valuable as fuel. Also desirable will be firearms and ammunition, lighters, toilet paper, cigarettes, liquor, and of course food. Even if you don't have a need for some of those items on a normal basis, you may find them useful in bartering for something you do need/want.
Monday, June 3, 2013
The list below is from a document called COMMUNIST RULES FOR REVOLUTION which was captured by the Allied Forces in Dusseldorf in May of 1919.
A. Corrupt the young, get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial. Destroy their ruggedness
B. Get control of all means of publicity and thereby:
1. Get people's minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and plays, and other trivialities.
2. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance.
3. Destroy the people's faith in their natural leaders by holding the latter up to contempt, ridicule, and obloquy (disgrace).
4. Always preach true democracy BUT SEIZE POWER as fast and as ruthlessly as possible.
5. By encouraging government extravagance, destroy its credit, produce fear of inflation with rising prices and general discontent.
6. Foment unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil disorders, and foster lenient and soft attitude on the part of the government towards such disorders.
7. By specious (plausible, appearing to be true but not true) argument, cause the breakdown of the OLD MORAL VIRTUES: honesty, sobriety, continence, faith in the pledged word, ruggedness.
C. Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with the view of confiscation of them and leaving the population helpless. (source: Fulton Lewis III)
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
I don't understand why so many people are eager to change America into something that already exists elsewhere. If you want:
Socialism - move to France, Germany, England, Norway, Sweden, basically anywhere in Europe.
Communism - move to North Korea or Russia (if they'll let you in)
Sharia Law - move to Iran (dictatorship bonus)
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Yuri Bezmenov was a journalist/KGB agent in the Soviet Union. He specialized in the tactics of idealogical subversion (the destruction and take over of a target nation with little to no overt military action). He defected from the Soviet Union and fled to Canada. He TELLS US what he knows about Communist Subversion and what to watch out for as a non-communist nation. Below is one of his charts laying out the Areas of interest, Methods used to subvert those areas, and the Results a subverter hopes to achieve.
Don't underestimate the value of the information Mr. Bezmenov speaks about. It is foremost in the battle against tyranny and the preservation of individual freedom.
As you watch this, make a mental note of how many things have already been accomplished that he speaks about? Remember, this seminar is from 1983...
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
THE POLICE: No. Not the group with Sting.
How much do we really need police? Now before you freak out and start yelling just take a deep breath, step outside the normal line of thinking, and consider this objectively and logically.
Think about what policemen do and ask yourself, "could neighborhood volunteers do that?" Police are not there to protect you or to prevent crimes. If they were, there would need to be one policemen for every person; like bodyguards. Instead, they mainly investigate crimes and help control traffic problems (accidents, construction, and mainly write tickets). Contrary to what we are led to think, I believe police departments are primarily installed to generate revenue for the city. I mean, we already have elected sheriffs who make arrests, protect the rights and property of citizens, and are the custodial keepers of those who break the law right?
Lets be very clear about something. I am not "anti-police" and I have a great deal of respect for those who do that job. I am simply "pro-citizen" and "pro-less taxes" and above all "pro-freedom." I happen to believe that we Americans are quite capable of rising to the occasion to accomplish something on our own, especially when the need is dire. Remember, in a free society we are not guaranteed the right to safety. We are however, guaranteed the right to our freedoms, including the freedom to adequately protect ourselves and each other as we see fit.
Hopefully even if you don't agree with me you don't want to tear my head off completely. If you've read this far you understand that I have at least thought out my point of view. Trust me, there will be plenty of enmity towards me when I talk about why we don't need school buses... but that's for another time.
Friday, May 3, 2013
(This post is based on a thought by my brother)
I find it odd to hear people say things like: "I am anti-gun."
If you are playing a board game like monopoly (or maybe Settlers of Catan), do you ever hear any players say, "I am anti-rules"? Obviously not, for if you were "anti-rules" you would never have been allowed to sit down and play. Now, I do understand the frustration when all your properties are mortgaged and you're hoping NOT to land on Marvin Gardens which has four houses on it. At this point you might be wishing that the rules could be altered in your favor. However, you didn't have a problem with the rules when the game started and everyone's opportunities were equal.
Our rights (rules) are found in the U.S. Constitution. We don't just get to change the rules because we don't like them, or because something happened that changed our situation, or because "the majority of Americans want blah blah blah."
Contrary to what most of us were taught, we do NOT live in a Democracy: which is basically mob (majority) rule. Fortunately for all of us we live in a Republic under the rule of law, which protects us from the whims of changes in societal thought. If you want to live under a different set of rules... go live somewhere else. I heard North Korea is nice. They have virtually no gun violence.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Toughest hombre in the county...seriously.
Many people don't realize that their sheriff is the highest law-enforcement official, and the only elected one I might add. If trouble should arrive at your doorstep, you better hope that the sheriff you elected has got your back because if he doesn't... there is nobody else; and if you're like me, you won't be able to rely on your neighbors either.
Your sheriff can and should protect your rights from any infringements, even (or especially) from federal agents. For example, if my neighbor called the BATFE because he saw me take a gun out of my trunk (in my driveway) and federal agents arrived and demanded to search my home for illegal firearms, what should I do? Well, I would notify my sheriff since he has the obligation to ensure that the rights of the citizens of his county are not being violated (that is what he was elected to do after all).
I encourage you to write to your sheriff and ask him if he is willing to defend your rights from anyone, even the federal government? Let me know if you need help. I have drafted a letter that I could copy for you if you're not sure exactly what to say.
For an inspiring story about Sheriff Tony DeMeo who protected a citizen of his county from federal agents,
Nye County, Nevada Sheriff TONY DEMEO
Thursday, April 18, 2013
The government of the United States of America was created by WE THE PEOPLE. People do not have the right to:
- counterfeit money.
- force people to be charitable.
- take someone's means of self defense/national defense.
- invade the privacy of others.
- detain people without cause.
- interfere with the lawful business of others.
- regulate what others choose to ingest.
- murder.
How then can the government be authorized to do these things if the authority that justifies their power is likewise unauthorized?
Thursday, April 11, 2013
The U.S. Constitution was ratified based upon a contingency. Some states agreed to ratify it only if a Bill of Rights was added, which professed to the world, and legally guaranteed U.S. citizens, certain inalienable rights.
Couldn't we then assume that if the federal government altered, amended, or abolished any of those inalienable rights, that the very ratification of the Constitution itself would be void?... or maybe that's the endgame (for some).
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
This is what people think I do.
This is what I think I do.
This is what I want to do.
This is what I actually do.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Technically gas is still $.20/gallon.
How is this possible?... you might ask. Well here you go. Prior to 1965 our coins (dollars, half-dollars, quarters, and dimes) contained actual silver, 90% silver actually. For example, in 1950 gasoline was approximately $.20/gallon so you could take the two dimes pictured above (1950) and buy a gallon of gas. Today, you could take those same two 1950 dimes and buy a gallon of gas as well. But how?...you ask. Gas is like $4.00/gallon right??!!!
Those dimes (prior to 1965) contain 2.25 grams of silver each. At today's market value, 2.25 grams of silver is worth around $2. So $2 of silver times 2 dimes = $4. So the problem is not gasoline but rather the buying power of our currency. See, what used to be our money has become our currency, meaning that money is something that has actual value whereas currency is something used like money but has no value in itself. Before 1965 we had money. Today we have currency that we are forced to use as money, the value of which is manipulated by a bank known as the Federal Reserve Bank. Congress gave this authority to the FED. And YOU gave Congress the authority to allow the FED to do this.
So the next time we want to blame someone for high gas prices, let's blame ourselves for letting Congress authorize a bank to manipulate the value of our "money."
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Thursday, February 28, 2013
We hear much talk these days about our nation's debt, credit rating, deficits, spending cuts, sequester, billions of dollars, trillions of dollars, raising the debt limit, blah blah blah. It all sounds so complicated and some of it can be tedious to understand. However, it is actually very simple at its most basic form (anyone who tells you "well, it's complicated" doesn't want you to know the truth). You may not realize it but we all manage a budget in our daily lives. I think our government should as well, and you should care because they are managing your money.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
The Department of Homeland Security has recently contracted $2 million worth of training targets from Law Enforcement Targets Inc. "What's so unusual about that?" you might say. Well, these targets are labeled "No More Hesitation" targets and are considered "threat" targets, not "don't shoot" targets in the product description. Check out a few of the targets below... Remember, these are real and our DHS agents are shooting at them during their training.
And one more thing.... YOU PAID FOR THEM.
Law Enforcement Targets Inc. has since removed these items from their products page but unfortunately for them, once something is out on the web it is difficult to fully remove it.
And one more thing.... YOU PAID FOR THEM.
Law Enforcement Targets Inc. has since removed these items from their products page but unfortunately for them, once something is out on the web it is difficult to fully remove it.
Monday, February 25, 2013
It doesn't even matter what you write about, just do it. Let them know you are there and that you are watching. Send me a message if you don't know how. I will help you. You can even use one of my old letters. It couldn't be easier. The office people of my representatives know me on a first name basis... they know I'm watching.
Monday, February 18, 2013
I remember the first time I pondered inflation. I was a junior in high school and my history teacher spoke about how things cost so much more now because of inflation. He didn't elaborate but I remember thinking, "Can we NOT have inflation? If so, how?"
Well, here we go...
In order to get re-elected, politicians realized the easiest way to get votes was to promise people "free" stuff. Since nothing is really free, they would have to take money from some people to give the people that voted for them "free" stuff. This was not popular; you could imagine if you were of the people who were losing money to the politicians to fulfill their promises.
The politicians decided it would be easier if they promised people "free" stuff but instead of taking money from some people, they would just print money to satisfy the recipients of the "free" stuff without aggravating anyone else. There was one problem with this, the group of politicians whom we will call "congress" were by law strictly prohibited from printing money : ( [Article 1, Section 8, U.S. Constitution]
Since congress couldn't print money : ( they hired a bank, whom we will call "The Federal Reserve," to print the money for them, that way they could have an endless supply of money to give out their freebies but were never actually printing the money themselves... they were so smart. The nice men at the bank said they would do this as long as they were the only bank allowed to print the money and that they would be allowed to make the rules for other banks to follow. There was one teensy-weensy problem with this however; the bank would eventually need paid back and with interest too. This wasn't too bad though because if congress needed more money, the nice men at the Federal Reserve would just print them more... Yippeeee!
You may be wondering... "What does this have to do with inflation? How does this make things more expensive today than in the old days? How is my dollar not worth as much as it was for my grandpa?" Let's think of it this way:
Let's say that oranges are very difficult to come by. They only grow in certain areas of the world and it takes a measurable amount of work to get them. This makes them valuable and rare. They are nutritious and delicious which makes them desirable. People decided to start trading oranges for other services like, "I'll give you 3 oranges to fix my toilet!" - "Great! I know how to fix toilets and I sure don't want to get scurvy!"
Now let's pretend that you have a magic wand and can make oranges appear out of thin air. You could be the richest person in the world! You make oranges by the truckload and start selling them, trading them, using them to stuff your mattress, heck you even just start giving them away because you are feeling generous and you have so many. But soon something strange would happen. Oranges wouldn't really be that desirable anymore and they wouldn't be very rare at all. If your toilet broke you could offer to give someone oranges to come fix it but how many would you have to offer now? Sure you would have single-handedly eradicated scurvy but I guess your offer would depend on how many oranges are being circulated across the world wouldn't it?
That is basically what has happened to your money...
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
(tricky question) Answer is NEITHER.
Gun A and gun B are both Ruger 10/22's. These are semi-automatic rifles (one bullet fired per trigger pull) and believe it or not, only differ in appearance.
Answer is GUN A.
Gun A is a Glock 18 which is a fully-automatic machine pistol. It can potentially fire all of the rounds it holds very rapidly with one pull of the trigger. Gun B is an AR-15 which is a semi-automatic rifle, virtually identical in it's function to the Ruger 10/22 from question 1.
DID YOU KNOW? Contrary to what you have been lead to believe, the AR-15 is NOT an assault rifle although it looks much like the M-16 or M-4 military assault rifles. What makes it different from those you ask?
Assault Rifle - a rifle that fires an intermediate cartridge and has a select-fire capability to switch between automatic, burst, and semi-automatic fire. It also uses a detachable magazine with various capacities.
(tricky question) Answer is NEITHER.
Gun A and gun B are both Ruger 10/22's. These are semi-automatic rifles (one bullet fired per trigger pull) and believe it or not, only differ in appearance.
Answer is GUN A.
Gun A is a Glock 18 which is a fully-automatic machine pistol. It can potentially fire all of the rounds it holds very rapidly with one pull of the trigger. Gun B is an AR-15 which is a semi-automatic rifle, virtually identical in it's function to the Ruger 10/22 from question 1.
DID YOU KNOW? Contrary to what you have been lead to believe, the AR-15 is NOT an assault rifle although it looks much like the M-16 or M-4 military assault rifles. What makes it different from those you ask?
Assault Rifle - a rifle that fires an intermediate cartridge and has a select-fire capability to switch between automatic, burst, and semi-automatic fire. It also uses a detachable magazine with various capacities.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Friday, February 8, 2013
$16 Trillion is really a lot!
Our national debt is just a little over $16 trillion. This might put it into perspective...
If people made $35,000 per year and they gave all of their income (100% of it) to the U.S. government to pay off the debt, how many people would have to work for one year to accomplish that?
Answer... 457,142,857 people.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Where has all the ammo gone?
Isn't it odd that our government recently purchased 1.4 billion rounds of ammunition? You might say, "No. we are in at war in the Middle East you idiot!"
True. But this 1.4 billion rounds of ammunition was purchased by our domestic federal agencies i.e. Department of Homeland Security and Social Security... yeah, bet you didn't know Social Security had armed agents running around.
Something else, these rounds that our government bought (with your money) were hollow-point bullets which are specially designed to do more damage to flesh and not go through a target to help minimize collateral damage.
"I guess that makes sense," you might say, thinking that police wouldn't want to wound unintended targets. Consider this, hollow-points are considered illegal by the Geneva Convention which has established war standards that the U.S. military adheres to.
So... who are our federal agencies planning to use anti-personnel ammunition against?
Click here for more
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Monday, February 4, 2013
Copy of a letter I sent to Senator Sherrod Brown - OH
Senator Brown,
I recently received an email from you titled: Ensuring Ohioans Have the Paid Sick Days They Deserve.
I would like to remind you that the private contractual agreement between an employee and a business is none of your concern, no matter how sympathetic the subject may seem.
In part of the message of the email you said,
"Illness costs our national economy $226 billion annually in lost productivity."
A Senator who meddles in the private affairs of Ohioans instead of passing a budget (3.5 years)...costs me $174,000 annually in lost productivity!
What would happen if I were hired to maintain the financial affairs of a company and I went 3.5 years without even having a budget? I probably wouldn't even last 3.5 weeks but the truth of the matter is, I would be fired.
Please stop wasting my money, get back to work, and pass a budget!
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