Monday, November 30, 2015


     I find it interesting when opponents of President Obama's policies say things like, "His policies are failures." or "He must not understand anything about (blank)."  I think President Obama is extremely smart and I believe his policies are incredibly successful.  Please read on and I'll explain my views. (some of you who follow "The Iron" may have been startled by that declaration but it'll all make sense)

     Success or failure is all relative to your point of view.  For example, if you completely burnt a lasagna I might look at it and say, "Awe man!  You ruined the lasagna!"  However, what if you intended to create charred lasagna?  Then, you would be a success!  I may not like the end result and we may disagree on the reason you wanted to produce the carbon casserole.  But it would not be accurate for me to call your dish a "failure" if in fact that was your intent.

     The most important yet most forgotten part of all of this is the follow up question to the President's choices and actions.  It is the question that should be asked the most but is presented the least.  It is the question that can reveal the true nature of any situation if pursued.  It is the greatest question and at the same time can be the worst question.  It is the question that I usually find myself reacting with, "Sheesh. I'm sorry I asked."

That question is WHY?

President Obama's policies, ideals, and actions are tremendously successful.  I am actually impressed with the volume and rate at which his ideas have become realities.  However, to borrow from the words of Abraham Lincoln: 

“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”

Nov. 21, 1864 (letter to Col. William F. Elkins) 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

"Hey, what did you learn at the university?"

"I learned how to be offended.  I learned how to protest.  I learned how to agitate society.  I learned how to whine about fairness.  I learned how to make sure my children have less freedom than me.  I learned how to accumulate mountains of debt.   I also mastered the art of social bullying, and... it only cost me $65,000!!"

"Wow.  Sounds like quite an experience.  Did you learn how to do anything worthwhile like a specific skill or anything?"

"No.  That's what Graduate School is for."

"Oh!  What are you going to study in grad-school?"

"I want to be a college professor someday!"
