We hear that the majority of Muslims are peaceful or moderate and don't agree with the extremism of groups like ISIS. I believe that this is true. However, what difference does it make if the peaceful majority don't do anything to stop the radical few? Consider this:
I believe that most Germans were peaceful. However, the Nazi's (the radical few) were responsible for the deaths of millions of people, including their own citizens.
The peaceful majority were irrelevant.
I believe that most Japanese were peaceful. However, the radical few were responsible for the deaths of millions of people across southeast Asia.
The peaceful majority were irrelevant.
I believe that most Chinese were peaceful. However, the extreme few were responsible for so many deaths, some aren't even sure how many millions were killed exactly... possibly as high as 75,000,000.
The peaceful majority were irrelevant.
The idea for this post was inspired by a short video of a response by Brigitte Gabriel
Click Here to watch