Am I a racist because my skin is "white"?
Am I a sexist because I am a man?
Am I a bigot because I worship the God of love?
Am I a "radical extremist" because I believe in strict adherence to the law?
Do I hate children because I think parents have the right to decide what's best for their children's education?
Do I hate women because I believe it's wrong to kill babies?
Am I prejudice against short people because I am tall?
Am I a non-conformist because I study history and value the lessons learned from previous mistakes? (maybe a little)
Am I a killer because I like guns?
Do I hate beggers on the street because I offer them opportunities instead of $5?
Am I insane because I wish my money was worth something?
Am I dangerous because I want the government to leave me alone?
When I listen to what others say, I really don't know who I am...