A teacher received notice from the administration that her classroom needed to be more diverse, even though her students were assigned to her randomly. Children of different ethnic backgrounds would be integrated into her group of pupils. The reason for this was not what you might think...
Apparently the testing standards are lower if there are more, what they call, "minorities" (I use their language here) in the classroom. In sports they call this "padding your stats."
Why are parents of "minorities" not foaming-at-the-mouth angry about this?!! I know I am! Basically what schools and our government are telling us is that different people are expected to perform differently based purely on our appearance. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!!
We have to put an end to this kind of profiling and race hustling by our government. What kind of message is this sending to our young people? If you look a certain way you are only expected to ever achieve (blank) and nothing more... you can't help it. THIS IS VILE. Also, let's stop using their terminology which exacerbates racial tension, like "minorities" or "people of color" or "urban." We are all Americans for crying out loud.
What's wrong with the following statement? (which I've heard before but can't site specifically):
The school had a predominantly minority student body.
If you don't see the problem in that then you've already been brainwashed.